Tuesday, June 13, 2006

If there's a bright center of the universe, you're on the planet it's farthest from.

The group took a few days to get false identities together and everything. Ree ran into poor Master Roon yet again, carrying enough paperwork to make her feel pity for him. He teased her about it. "I've never asked a Jedi not to do good before...and I won't start now...but could you manage to be a little less interesting about it?" Or something to that effect. She told him what was up, and asked if he had any advice, him being a Jedi Investigator and all. He was pretty helpful. They also talked to Erin the New Republic Investigator about tips on undercover work.

So, off to Tatooine.

The moment they landed and disembarked, they realized something was wrong. Kedrihm'Val had just enough time to shout a warning before twenty or thirty bounty-hunters popped out of nowhere and began blasting away. Despite that, they cleared them out quite nicely. Drath called up a Force whirlwind on a bunch of them. Kedrihm'Val whomped several against the wall. Ree nailed some and Z just...did unfortunate things to the ones that were left. Oola didn't even get off the ship.

While dragging unconscious/dead bounty hunters into a pile and tying up the ones that still breathed, Ree felt a movement of the Force in a corner of the docking bay. Heading over that way, she found a guy hiding from the violence. Turned out, he'd just arrived on the planet himself. He was the owner of the other ship in the bay.

The questioning was briefly interrupted by another of those possessed Wookies, which Zan disarmed (in the literal sense).

The thoroughly disgusted crew went back on the ship and ditched their now-useless disguises. They'd been ambushed, but aside from the Jedi Council itself and Lydia, only one person had known where they were going--Master Roon. Ree placed a call back to Luke, who didn't even have to move to tell them that Roon had vacated the planet.

In the meantime, their new acquaintance--Samos--offered to act as a local guide. He recognized Z (who was wearing a set of full-body armor), and apparently had a bit of a hero-worship thing going on.

Needing information, the crew hit up the local cantina. Samos is not a subtle man. He called the barkeeper over and bluntly asked him where to find Ezrek Dalt and the Bloody Spiral. The barkeeper was hesitant. But Z, knowing that the bounty-hunter's guild actually wasn't too pleased with the Spiral's attitude, and that they'd recently taken over the territory of another local crime syndicate, sweet-talked the barkeeper into helping out after all--mainly by promising him a lot of money. The barkeeper pointed out that the Bloody Spiral had a lot of "stuff," and that for 20% of that "stuff" he'd tell them what they needed to know.

And so it was. The Bloody Spiral was located in a different, smaller city. They flew the ship over and landed outside town, leaving SARR to guard it. Subtlety was dealt a kick in the sensitive places as they elected to simply charge the place and go for surprise. The Jedi got volunteered to deal with robo-Dalt while everyone else beat the hell out of whatever cronies happened to be lying around.

This plan went well. Ree and Zan had to take out a couple of gun turrets, and Ree got the hell beat out of her when robo-Dalt caught her off-guard, knocked her off the turret, and slammed her to the ground. Zan got distracted by...some weird armed vehicle-thing. Kedrihm'Val used Drain Energy on the robo-Dalt to buy Ree a moment to collect herself, but before she could even take the bastard out, Drath chopped its head off.

And after that, the cronies just surrendered. They were pretty disappointed to see that not only was their awesome "evil Jedi" taken out by other Jedi, but he was actually only a droid the whole time.

Z and Samos were pretty keen on the piles of wealth lying around, but the Jedi made them behave themselves. It all got tossed into the ship, and they really did plan to take the bartender his cut, but before they could, Ree got an urgent call from the Jedi Council. Master Roon was heading to her planet. So, they figured they could come back and drop off his cash later. First, they needed to go help her family.

But once they cleared the planet's gravitational well, the ship's nav computer went bonkers. It took over, carting the ship off toward coordinates that the crew recognized, only because Kedrihm'Val and Oola had discovered there was no planet there. Oola was able to wrestle the ship back under control, but it lost them a day. So she collected the tech-savvy among the crew, and they rigged the thing to get them there as fast as possible, even if it trashed the ship.

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