Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Luke and Kyp wreck up the joint

The group's next mission is to take care of the Shadow Academy. They've finally located the damn thing. The procedure for this one is even easier than the last. The crew will allow their ship to be captured while Luke and Kyp hide on board. Once they're taken into the Shadow Academy ship, the two Masters go out and wreck up the place.

It all goes pretty smoothly. Luke and Kyp deal with the heads of the Shadow Academy while the crew cleans up in their wake. They clean out the prison (mainly full of Republic people), take out two battle droids, two dark Jedi, a robot officer, and an Imperial Guardsman. There's a close call toward the end, as Darth Maul's "Scimitar" shows up, but Oola, having hijacked the Academy Star Destroyer's controls, zeroes in with the full power of the ship's frontal batteries and blows the thing out of the galaxy...after which she has to stabilize the Star Destroyer, which was sent swinging away in reaction to the blast (much to the concern of our heroes, who for a few moments have no clue why the place is suddenly going crazy).

It's all nice and smooth...except when they get back, Dalt's gone. And they have no idea where he might have gone.

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